Sunday, September 29, 2013

Exploding Tardis

Supposedly painted by Van Gogh, according to Dr. Who ("The Pandorica Opens" season 5 episode 12).  We decided we needed our own version, so here it is!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jason Martin, Art Challenge Entry: Yellow Ranger

So, I decided to take the conventional Power Ranger, and completely revamp the concept. I've been obsessed lately with headdresses, and the like, so I figured what if the Power Ranger took the Asian design concept of the Geisha, and turned it into badass armor? This is what I came up with:
I've got a Pink Ranger design I'm working on, as well, but I'm uncertain if I'll have time to finish it, since I'm in the middle of moving to a new house and have a sick wife to tend to, as well. Also feel free to look at my other work at

Mat Planet - Power Rangers FAAC Entry

Rangers Imperium

There are a lot of cool Gokaiger aka Power Ranger designs out there, and I thought I could make a type based one that had huge numbers on the front of the suits, but alas, they beat me to it. The Tokusou Sentai Dekarangers aka Power Rangers S.P.D. already did that. So I did something else - I used Roman numerals, and gave them a Roman-themed name.
I stayed pretty classic with the suits being mostly simple jumpsuits plus some neat helmets and light armor on the shoulders, but had some fun with the ladies. Can they fight in those boots and heels? Who cares, they look cool. But I would like to return to this someday when I get more time to really push the style a bit further.
And the type means "Akiba-chan" which is a Japanese slang term for "Akihabara style." Akihabara is a district in Tokyo where many otaku, or obsessive anime, manga, and video game fans are known to gather for geek stuff.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dave Bruno - Power Rangers FAAC Entry

Go Go President Rangers!

So I figured that, at least when I was a kid, the Power Rangers were always themed off something. Whether it be Dinosaurs like the first generation to I guess Samurai's and Time Force now a days, they've always had a theme. I figured, which one haven't they done yet.... So I made them the Presidents of the United States... because... they haven't done that yet?

The Megazord is made out of Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty and a Bald Eagle, and the Rangers in front (from left to right) are Barack Obama, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I drew this in like... 5 minutes and I don't have a tablet for my PC at work right now so please forgive the scratchiness haha.