Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Crunch

I thought I'd have a lot more time to work on this piece since I had the entire week off work, but as usual I waited till the last minute. I haven't decided if I will continue working on this to finish it off for next week or not. I really struggled with his likeness. This took about three hours and that's after starting over from a different sketch that also took three hours but couldn't be saved, RIP.

Instead of me telling you who this is supposed to be, why don't you tell me who you think it is.


Brian Johnson said...

I'll guess it's Al Franken (since that's what you named the .jpeg!)

JP said...

I will have to back brian up on this one. As usual, it's looking good.

Hacksaw said...

What are you talking about? it reads SketchPost.jpg. You must have started on the bottle pretty early this morning. :)